Join our sacred space of free and transformative healing experiences, classes, and community events.
No membership fees, no class fees, just FREE.
We are a nonprofit community passionate about making holistic health accessible for everyone.
Explore our diverse free classes, offered by teachers who volunteer in service for your personal growth and healing. From yoga and meditation to breath work and sound healing, we invite you to discover the practices that resonate with you.
Our Weekly Schedule
We are sorry we need to CANCEL Vinyasa Yoga with Paolo today. Thank you.
Register for free at our school or online HERE and join as many classes as you wish.
You can sign in up to 15 minutes before hand. Please arrive on time as no entrance
is allowed after 10 minutes of the class starting.
To avoid disappointment we recommend early arrival to any class on our schedule with an
asterisk, once full we cannot allow entrance.
We believe healing is a right, not a privilege. Our school offers up to 30 free classes per week in yoga, meditation, breathwork, and more to help individuals reconnect with themselves and their community. .
Support Our Mission
Find out the many ways you can support our school. From volunteering to donating, you help keep our free classes running and allow us to offer healing to all. Every contribution makes a difference in sustaining our school and the community.
“If youre looking to work on yourself, meet other like minded souls, eat delicious food whilst being surrounded by nature... This is the perfect spot! Great staff, great vibes and great energy!”
“A heavenly place. A must visit if you are in the area and want to heal and nurture your body and soul. They have a class for everyone, and most of them are donation based.”
“Everyone needs to experience the classes at this place & this community once in their lives. The instructors are professionals so they guide you in the class and make sure you feel comfortable, trying to create a safe zone for attendees”