Our Approach
Find out what matters to us

our mission

The School Of Unified Healing provides free, healing and transformational
classes to all the community.  We offer consistent and accessible knowledge and practices in the area of holistic health. 

We have made it our mission to overcome the barriers of money and allow for everyone’s well-being to be the highest priority to raising the consciousness of humanity.

our history

Co-founders David Graham and Kefah Bates come from the UK and have worked most of their life exploring the nature and power of healing, personal development and self-realisation.

They pioneer the belief that we have severely restrict the potential of raising consciousness by limiting access to high quality healing and spiritual practices.

It is through their passion to bring empowerment to all that the School Of
Unified Healing was built in Bali. To develop this mission they placed all of
their money into building a custom-made healing centre.

One year on, their School has grown to reach thousands of people, giving
opportunities to experience deep healing and training for FREE without limits.

They have done this by bringing together 30 professionals in their field who
volunteer their time for free each week. David and Kefah’s faith in founding their service on unconditional love has proved to create a radical shift in the accessibility of healing experiences.

our future

Knowing the incredible impact of the first School has made for anyone seeking healing, transformation, and wholeness, we aim to focus on two stages of development.

First Stage
We need to raise ₤40,000 to secure the future of our school in Bali. This money allows us to recover funds to avoid closure, put in place essential administration and management to sustain our School and maintain outstanding building requirements.

Second Stage
To raise funds to set up, develop and maintain further Schools in major
cities all around the world.

By collectively coming together, we make it possible to change how we deliver healing to our communities. We are able to address the pressing challenges we face to raise and accelerate the consciousness of ourselves, each other and the world.

Together we can change the world for the better.  



David Graham And Kefah Bates

The co-founders of our School are spiritual teachers Kefah Bates and David Graham.  They dedicated their lives in the sharing of truth, healing and the nature of how we embody the true spirit self.   

For 20 years Kefah has practiced as a counsellor, shamanic healer and spiritual mentor, facilitating individuals and groups through healing, trainings and courses.   In the last 6 years she has documented her research in transcending the limited self in the publication of 3 books, ‘Live the Life Of Empowerment’, ‘Healing Truths’ and her latest book ‘The 3 Keys To Spiritual Success’.  She continues to work with people to transform their lives in person and online.

Throughout his life David has developed advanced experience and knowledge in physical and mental detox, the healing process, higher consciousness, and meditation.  His ability to understand the human vulnerable condition and empower the self through it has left many in awe of his teaching.

They have both dedicated their lives in the pursuit of opening healing schools all over the world.

If you wish to learn more or offer your support in their mission lease contact us via WhatsApp directly.
